NotebookLM is an experimental research tool developed by Google AI, designed to be your personal AI collaborator and accelerate your thinking process. It’s essentially an AI-powered notebook that combines your existing content with the power of large language models to help you: Unique Features: Use Case Scenarios: Research: Writing: Development: Everyday Life: The Tech That…
Tag: LLM
Demystifying Open Source in AI and Tech
Open source is more than just a way of developing software; it’s a philosophy and a culture rooted in collaboration and transparency. This ethos encourages collective problem-solving and innovation, breaking down the barriers traditionally set by proprietary software models.
Meet Your New AI Art Assistant – Jean-Claude Can Drawwe
Struggling to craft the perfect prompt for your latest AI art creation? Meet Jean-Claude, your new smart assistant who can help. Jean-Claude Can Drawwe is an AI-powered prompt programming assistant created to make generating AI art easier and more accessible. He acts as an expert guide to help you create optimized prompts tailored to your…