Hi I’m Andrew and this is my blog,
For many years, I have started and stopped numerous blogs and social media channels. I was always told that I needed to find a niche, but that was a problem because my interests were constantly changing.
I have ADHD and it’s common for people with ADHD to hyper-focus.
Often, when someone with ADHD hyper-focuses on something, they will do a deep dive into that subject, even changing aspects of their personality or identity, and how they go about their daily lives. Eventually, usually after three weeks (seriously it’s 3 weeks for almost everyone across the board, it’s weird), it’s as if a light switch is turned off. The hyper-focus, whether it be a hobby, interest, identity, career, or whatever else, just vanishes. The part of the ADHD brain that executed on the focus is no longer going to kick into gear.
These 3-week hyper-focus sprints can often explain why your friend with ADHD seems to have an in-depth knowledge or experience in hundreds or thousands of seemingly random subjects.
After setting aside our hyper-focus, we still retain the knowledge, and often a lot of the love for the thing we were into, but for some reason, we just don’t do it anymore. Over the years, I have learned many things, worked through many problems, and dabbled in countless interests.
My blog here at andrewcbecker.com will encompass a very hard-to-pinpoint niche, which is creating a database of knowledge from the vast array of hyper-focuses I have had in my life.
Things you might find at andrewcbecker.com/blog
Technology, including iPhones, iOS, Linux, and Macs
Cell phone repair and troubleshooting
Tips and tricks for using Macs
How-to guides for various tech-related tasks
Manifesting and the law of attraction
ADHD and productivity strategies
Nootropics and other self-improvement techniques
Motivation and self-improvement tips
Book recommendations and reviews
General musings on whatever else the writer may hyper-focus on and decide to write about